We spoke with Martyn Lowe who’s caught a carp that could easily smash the current British record!

On the 17th October 2019, Martyn landed a carp in the UK weighing 71lbs!

The lake in question is Holme Fen Fishery in Cambridgeshire and is renowned for producing record breaking contenders.

Previously, a fish known as ‘Captain Jack’ was caught from the same venue at a weight of 69lb 10oz, yet despite weighing more than the official British record of 68lb 1oz, the claim was rejected by the British Record Fish Committee.

The carp landed by Martyn is 2lb 15oz heavier than the current British record. However we understand Martyn does not intend to make a claim.

Holme Fen Fishery - Cambridgeshire

Heres, what Martyn has to say…

“I was booked on for six nights at Holme Fen Fishery in Cambridgeshire. I was dreading the draw but somehow got my first choice swim being party point.

That first night I had a 28lb mirror but it didn’t feel right in that swim. I saw fish opposite me on the end of a south westerly wind so, ideally, I wanted to fish there really.

We re-drew swims after two nights and I got number one in the draw and opted for the reeds swim.

It wasn’t on the end of the wind but just back off it. I found a lovely clean area about 80 yards out so spodded a load of hemp and 12mm ASM boilies out.

The next day I re-did my rods at mid day and at about 2pm I had a churner of a take on my right hand rod.

The fish went ballistic and weeded me up several times. By the time it got near the net my mate Mickey, who co-owns St Ives Tackle, had run round to help with the netting.

The fish went in with no trouble at all! I asked mickey “Is it big?” He replied “It must be over 60lb.”

Only upon lifting it out did we realise what we had. It was 71lb and I had to get some 120lb scales to weigh it on as it bottomed mine out.”